40 Acre Ranch on the Colorado Plateau Arizona

Product Description

This lot provides an excellent short to long-term investment in an area that has all of the conveniences of an urban development but located in a private and rural like setting. The parcel is a secluded, lush high country property with spectacular mountain and/or plain views, ideal year-round weather, and is surrounded by world class recreational opportunities, with convenient shopping and service. . . .

Property Details

Size (Acres)40
General Location50 Miles from St Johns, AZ
APN or Other ID205-62-008
Legal DescriptionThe Southwest quarter of the Northeaste quarter of Section 19, Township 17 North, Range 27 East of Gila and Salt River Base and Meridian, Apache County, Arizona; EXCEPT oil, gas and minerals as reserved in Deed recorded in Book 31 of Deeds, page 592, records of Apache County, Arizona; EXCEPT all minerals as reserved in Deed recorded in Docket 202, Page 239 records of Apache County, Arizona.
TerrainPinyon-Juniper Woodland, edge of small ridge
General Elevation (in feet)6000
WaterWould be by well or alternative system
SewerSeptic or Alternative System
Time to BuildNo Limit
Title InfoPurchased with Title Insurance
Annual Property Taxes (Approx)$88.00
Doc Fee$399
TermsAll Cash
Price (Before Fees)$11250.00

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